Photo: 2012 Tom Robertson Photography |
Sarah Castle is rad. I met Sarah about one and a half years
ago. I instantly liked her. Sarah provides a demure presence and yet can
provide a quick, witty retort to any worthy comment. Further, she is crazy ripped (I have a crush on her strong
climber arms). If that’s not enough, she is also incredibly intelligent. In
fact, her presence in Missoula is a result of her seeking her PhD in Forestry
with an emphasis on studying something along the line of microorganisms in the
soil (……that’s a very generalized interpretation, so if you want to learn more
about it, please feel free to ask Sarah).
So, with Sarah’s busy work schedule, we are lucky to have
snagged her for the MT Alpha’s. And believe me, we are very lucky! This past
summer Sarah took part in RATPOD, a 130 mile road tour through the Big Hole
Valley and up through the Pioneer Mountains. The distance and the hilly terrain
it covers assure that it is no easy feat to complete this ride. Add into it the
notorious headwind that often greats riders as they complete the last fifth of
the ride and you have an epic event! Now, I have a number of other friends who
took part in the ride this past year. Two of these folks include fit, seasoned
riders Owen Gue and Anya Wechsler.
Highlights of the ride from Anya and Owen included the amazing scenery,
the crazy headwind in the final miles, Owen scarfing down three slices of pie;
two cokes; and one frozen snickers bar at the pie stop, and Sarah Castle’s
strength. Honest, they were so impressed with what a strong rider Sarah proved
to be. She hooked up with them at the start and rode the entire 130 miles with
them. In this ride, Sarah proved
her stamina on the bike.
Photo: 2012 Tom Robertson Photography |
So, while Sarah will be the last to celebrate her
accomplishments, as she is more eager to applaud others first, I am happy to
have had the chance to share some of them with you. I am excited to ride with
Sarah on the MT Alpha’s and I am eager to see where her riding, her academics,
and contagious personality will take her.
-Heidi "Killer" Gaskill